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Beagleboard:Main Page

(Redirected from BeagleBoard)


Welcome to the BeagleBoard.org Support Page

This is the place where BeagleBoard fans can come to find information on the BeagleBoard,BeagleBoard-xM, BeagleBone and BeagleBoneBlack projects that are manufactured by CircuitCo. Most of this information can also be found on the beagleboard.org site and is provided here as a convenience. When new revisions of hardware or software is released, you may be able to find information here sooner than it appears on the beagleboard.org site. You may find information here not found on the beagleboard.org site as well.

Click on any of the following boards to go to its official wiki page


BeagleBone BlackNEW.png

The latest addition to the BeagleBoard line. Similar to the BeagleBone but with 1GHZ AM335X processor, 512MB of DDR3, 2GB eMMC, and HDMI.

GotoWiki-official.png - Go here to find official specifications and resources
GotoWiki-community.png - Go here to find community created "howto" pages and resources
GotoWiki-capes.png - Go here to find a registry of compatible acessory board Capes



A bare-bones BeagleBoard that acts as a USB or Ethernet connected expansion companion for your current BeagleBoard and BeagleBoard-xM or works stand-alone.

GotoWiki-official.png - Go here to find official specifications and resources
GotoWiki-community.png - Go here to find community created "howto" pages and resources
GotoWiki-capes.png - Go here to find a registry of compatible acessory board Capes



Delivers extra ARM ® Cortex TM -A8 MHz now at 1 GHz and extra memory with 512MB of low-power DDR RAM, enabling hobbyists, innovators and engineers to go beyond their current imagination.

GotoWiki-official.png - Go here to find official specifications and resources
GotoWiki-community.png - Go here to find community created "howto" pages and resources



A low-cost, fan-less single board computer that unleashes laptop-like performance and expandability without the bulk, expense, or noise of typical desktop machines.

GotoWiki-official.png - Go here to find official specifications and resources
GotoWiki-community.png - Go here to find community created "howto" pages and resources