note these are _not_ the 5200. no HD/PVR functionality in the base model
Includes US power cord, and 8" RF cable, 22 page hookup manual.
The processor info can be found here
Or direct links:
Ken McGuire got his on 3/15/2003 and found the following:
Here is what comes out the serial port at boot time:
Copyright (c) 1999 by General Instrument Corp.
SUDB 0xBF000004
T0mW found that while holding the INFO button down while powering up, or RESET, it will give a verbose debug of the frequencies it is "hunting" on.
MonMotha got his DCT5000 on 3/19/2003. I haven't done much with it other than take the top off, but I'll update this page as I go. So far I'm just attempting to find some of the missing doc links.
sorphin got both of his DCT-5000's on 3/18/2003, and is doing some digging, also found this link [1] to a page where a guy is working on mapping out how the DCT-2000 and 5000 work.
Here's a list of test points, add to them as they are discovered:
Notes TimRiker "found":
Connect a straight-through serial cable from the COM1 port on the host computer to the RS-232 port on the target system. Make sure that the RS-232 connector is attached to internal connector labelled J800. 9600-8-n-1
Power ON the target board. When it boots, a # prompt appears.
Enter the following commands at the # prompt:
export BOOTFILE=vmlinus
export BOOTHOST=
export NETADDR=
export NETMASK=
TimRiker is not sure if this is after installing a different ROM or something... Still looking.
Ken McGuire searches through the binary images of Tim's ROM and the original ROM and doesn't find any of the above strings. Nothing comes out his DCT5000's J800 on power-up either.
Here's the DOCSIS configuration file of the box:
NetworkAccess = Yes
Start ClassOfService
ClassID = 1
MaxRateDown = 1500000
MaxRateUp = 128000
PriorityUp = 1
GuaranteedUp = 1280
MaxBurstUp = 0
PrivacyEnable = Yes
EndOf ClassOfService
MaxCPE = 4