嵌入式 Linux 知识库

From: eLinux.org

Security Hardware Resources

This page has information about hardware based security enhancement, which is of interest to CE Linux Forum members


Technology/Project pages


  • Secure Flashing/Booting Support
  • Secure Storage
  • Cryptographic Accelerators
  • FIPS Compliant True Hardware RNG
  • Secure DMA Channels


Security chips

TPM (Trusted Platform Module)

TPM Specifications

Security enhanced processors

ARM(R) TrustZone(R)

ARM Trustzone

OMAP M-Shied

TI White Paper

Intel(R) Wireless Trusted Platform

IBM White Paper


The Cell processor has an 'isolated' SPU runtime environment. CBE Architecture document

Open Source Projects/Mailing Lists


The TPM device drivers are already included in the mainline kernel and is split up into two parts:

    • the generic tpm driver module tpm.ko which handles all the common stuff
    • a vendor specific part tpm_\.ko

If you have a recent tpm module, it is quite likely that it follows the vendor independent TIS Protocol specified by the TCG, which should be preferred over the vendor modules. This module is called tpm_tis.ko

  • TrouSers: An open-source TCG Software Stack implementation, created and released by IBM.
