嵌入式 Linux 知识库

From: eLinux.org

Technical Conference 2005

Table Of Contents:


Presentation Materials

The conference is over, but you can see most of the (excellent) presentations at: Tech Conference 2005Docs


The CE Linux Forum is holding a technical conference (in conjunction with their annual Plenary meeting).

  • Location: San Jose - Dolce Hayes Mansion (South San Jose area - see map in Hotel Information below)
  • Date: January 25-26, 2005 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
  • Times:
    • January 25: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm half-day
    • January 26: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm full-day
  • Snacks and Meals:
    • Drinks and snacks will be available throughout both days
    • Lunch and dinner will be provided on both days
    • Drinks, snacks and the meals listed are included in your registration (that is, they're free)


Members of the forum should register at: Plenary Registration.

If you are an employee of a member company then you can register as a CELF member here, and then register for the technical conference using the link above.

(See the CELF member company roster here.)

Special non-member invited guests (mostly, people Tim Bird has talked to) will be registered by the forum office.

While openings are available, member companies may invite non-member guests. Please limit the number of non-member guests to 2 per company (due to costs). Please limit the total number of attendees from your company (including non-member guests) to 8.

/\ In order for us to make appropriate arrangements for the conference facilities, please register as soon as possible. Space is filling up - so don't delay.


There will be 28 sessions, and Tuesday evening there will be a over 20 technical demonstrations presented by various members of the forum.

The sessions will consists of:

  • Presentations
  • Discussions
  • A Panel
  • Tutorials

Demonstrations should be registered here (at the bottom of the page).

Session List

Technical sessions are as follows (in no particular order):

Person Session Description Session Slot
Greg Ungerer, SnapGear uCLinux 25- 2:00-A
Tohru Nojiri, Hitachi Linux Kernel State Tracer (LKST) technology 25- 2:00-C
Todd Poynor, Monta Vista Dynamic Power Management 26-10:00-B
Philippe Robin, ARM Developing and Optimizing Linux on ARM Cores 25- 3:00-A
Ed Plowman OpenGL ES, Open VG and Open MAX 26- 9:00-C
Matt Mackall Linux-tiny and Directions for Small Systems 26-11:00-A
Erik Andersen uClibc 26-10:00-A
John Vugts & Jeroen Brouwer, Philips UHAPI tutorial 26- 2:00-C x2
Karim Yaghmour, Opersys Building Embedded Linux Systems - Tutorial 26- 2:00-A x3
Pieter van der Meulen, Philips Audio, Video, Graphics WG discussion 26- 4:00-C
Dongjun Shin, Samsung Flash Memory WG discussion 26- 4:00-B
Scott Preece, Motorola Mobile Phone Profile WG - intro and working session 26-12:00-A
Mark Orvek, Monta Vista Power Management WG discussion - suspend to flash technology, etc. 26-11:00-B
Manas Saksena, Time Sys Real Time WG discussion 26- 2:00-B
Hiroo Suyama, NEC System Size WG discussion 26- 9:00-A
Matsubara-san & Hagiwara-san & Hisao Munakata, Renesas Graphics APIs for Linux (including DirectFB and 3D) 26-10:00-C
Nigel Cunningham Linux 2.6 Power Management 26- 9:00-B
Emmanuel Fleury & Kristian S�rensen, Aalborg University Umbrella Security Framework 26-11:00-C
Dennis Oliver Kropp DirectFB 25- 3:00-C
Michael Hunold Linux DVB 26-12:00-C
Markku Ursin, Movial Creating GTK+ based UI's for embedded devices 26-11:00-C
John Cooper, Time Sys 2.6 Realtime preemption patch 26- 3:00-B
Seiji Munetoh, IBM & Nichola Szeto, Sony Integrating TCG (Trusted Computing Group) technology in Linux 25- 2:00-B
Tim Bird, Sony Bootup Time WG discussion - current bootup time projects 26- 12:00-B
Andrew Morton, Lead kernel developerHisao Munakata, RenesasMark Orvek, Monta VistaRuud Derwig, PhilipsModerated by Tim Bird, Sony Panel - Improving Commercial CE Involvement in Linux 25- 4:00-ABC

Session Schedule

CELF Technical Conference - January 25

1:00-2:00 - Lunch


Room A - Hayes Ballroom

Room B - Monterey room

Room C - Morgan Hill room

2:00 - 2:50 pm

uClinux - Greg Ungerer, SnapGear

Integrating TCG (Trusted Computing Group) technology in Linux - Seiji Munetoh, IBM & Nicholas Szeto, Sony

Linux Kernel State Tracer (LKST) technology - Tohru Nojiri, Hitachi

3:00 - 3:50 pm

Linux on Arm Cores - Philippe Robin, ARM

Umbrella Security Framework - Emmanuel Fleury

DirectFB - Dennis Oliver Kropp

4:00 - 4:50 pm

Panel - Improving commercial CE involvement in Linux - Andrew Morton, Hisao Munakata, Mark Orvek, Ruud Derwig : Moderated by Tim Bird

5:00-6:30 - Demonstrations

7:00 - Dinner


CELF Technical Conference - January 26


Room A - Hayes Ballroom

Room B - Monterey room

Room C - Morgan Hill room

9:00 - 9:50

System Size WG discussion - Hiroo Suyama

Linux 2.6 Power Management - Nigel Cunningham

OpenGL ES, Open VF and Open MAX - Ed Plowman - ARM

10:00 - 10:50

uClibc - Erik Andersen

Dynamic Power Management - Todd Poynor, Monta Vista

Graphics APIS for Linux - Matsubara, Hagiwara, Hisao Munakata, Renesas

11:00 - 11:50

Linux-tiny - Matt Mackall

Power Management WG discussion - suspend to flash technology, etc. - Mark Orvek, Monta Vista

Creating GTK+ based UI's for embedded devices - Markku Ursin, Movial

12:00 - 12:50

Mobile Phone Profile WG - intro and working session - Scott Preece

Bootup Time WG discussion - current projects - Tim Bird, Sony

Linux DVB - Michael Hunold

1:00-2:00 - Lunch Break

2:00 - 2:50 pm

Embedding Linux tutorial - Karim Yaghmour

Real Time WG discussion - Manas Saksena, Time Sys

UHAPI tutorial - John Vugts - Philips

3:00 - 3:50 pm

Embedding Linux tutorial2 - Karim Yaghmour

2.6 Real-time preemption patch - John Cooper, Time Sys

UHAPI tutorial2 - John Vugts - Philips

4:00 - 4:50 pm

Embedding Linux tutorial3 - Karim Yaghmour

Flash Memory WG discussion - Dongjun Shin, Samsung

Audio, Video, Graphics WG discussion - Pieter van der Muelen, Philips

5:00-6:00 - Break

6:00 - Dinner

Hotel Information

Name: Dolce Hayes Mansion
Address: 200 Edenvale Avenue, San Jose, CA 95136, USA
Telephone: +1 (408) 226-3200
Fax: +1 (408) 362-2329
Web-site: http://HayesMansion.Dolce.com
Room rate: $145.90 per person (single occupancy) per night including breakfast and all taxes.
Reservation: For hotel reservation please fill in and fax this [[[Media:CELF-Plenary-Hotel-Reservation-Form.pdf]] form (Adobe PDF)] directly to the hotel at +1 (408) 362-2329 by January 3rd, 2005
Map: MapQuest map
