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Hammer Board


Hammer Board Specifications


TinCanTools Website

The Hammer CPU board from TinCanTools,is based upon Samsung’s S3C2410 ARM920T processor. It gives you the power of an ARM9 processor in an easy to use modular package. The Hammer CPU board fits into a standard 40 pin DIP socket. It is an ideal platform for code development and prototyping in an embedded environment. You can quickly interface to the Hammer using your standard prototyping tools that are based upon 0.1 inch centers.

   * 100 MIPS Microprocessor ( CPU ): S3C2410 - Samsung (200 MHz)
   * ARM 920T core with Cache (16K+16K) and MMU
   * Main Memory: 32MB SDRAM (16M x 16 bit, 100MHz)
   * FLASH : 16MB NOR Flash
   * Peripherals available:
         o 2 UART’s (also supports IrDA)
         o 1 I2C
         o 2 SPI’s
         o 2 16-bit Timers/PWM’s
         o 1 8-bit LCD Interface + control signals
         o 1 USB Host Port
         o 1 USB Slave Port
         o 2 ADC’s (10 bit )
         o 4 External Interrupt pins
         o 1 Up to 30 pins of GPIO’s
   * JTAG Interface: 2 x 7 Header – standard ARM JTAG interface
   * Size: 0.75 inches (width) X 2.25 inches (length)
   * Package: Fits a standard 40-pin DIP socket (0.1 inch lead spacing)
   * Power Requirements: +5VDC @ 120 mA (typical)

Interface Options

I want to use the Hammer with:


Hammer Details

The Hammer comes preloaded with an open source bootloader, Linux 2.6 kernel, and a uClibc/Busybox based root file system. Board schematics, application notes, and source code are also included on the CD. The Hammer Board is a 40 pin DIP modules that can run full standard GNU/Linux.

The Hammer Kit comes with everything you will need to begin developing for the Hammer Board, and is strongly recommended for first time Hammer Board users. All development tools have been created for use with Linux, so you will need a working Linux system to use the Hammer Board and develop applications for it.




Hammer Board Pinouts


Pinout with more explanations and links.

Pinout with more explanations and links.
Pin number Main Function Note Alt Function Note
1 RXD0 RS232 Receive GPH3 GPIO port H bit 3
2 TXD0 RS232 Transmit GPH2 GPIO port H bit 2
3 IICSDA I2C SDA Wikipedia explains I2C GPE15 GPIO port E bit 15
4 IICSCL I2C SCL GPE14 GPIO port E bit 14
5 SPIMISO0 SPI port 0 MISO Wikipedia explains SPI GPE11 GPIO port E bit 11
6 SPIMOSI0 SPI port 0 MOSI GPE12 GPIO port E bit 12
7 SPICLK0 SPI port 0 clock GPE13 GPIO port E bit 13
8 nSS0 SPI port 0 select EINT10 External Interrupt 10 (Wakeup capable?)
9 nRESET CPU reset.
10 nRTS0 RS232 RTS (Ready to send) GPH1 GPIO port H bit 1
11 nCTS0 RS232 CTS (Clear to send) GPH0 GPIO port H bit 0
12 TOUT0 PWM timer 0 out GPB0 GPIO port B bit 0
13 TOUT2 PWM timer 2 out GPB2 GPIO port B bit 2
14 RXD2 RS232 port 2 receive (Note, Port 1 isn't accessible) GPH7 GPIO port H bit 7
15 TXD2 RS232 port 2 transmit GPH6 GPIO port H bit 6
16 VM LCD AC bias GPC4 GPIO port C bit 4
17 VFRAME LCD Vertical sync GPC3 GPIO port C bit 3
18 VLINE LCD Horizontal sync GPC2 GPIO port C bit 2
19 VCLK LCD pixel clock GPC1 GPIO port C bit 1
20 GND Ground - supply voltage return.
21 LCD_VD0 LCD data bit 0 GPC8 GPIO port C bit 8
22 LCD_VD1 LCD data bit 1 GPC9 GPIO port C bit 9
23 LCD_VD2 LCD data bit 2 GPC10 GPIO port C bit 10
24 LCD_VD3 LCD data bit 3 GPC11 GPIO port C bit 11
25 LCD_VD4 LCD data bit 4 GPC12 GPIO port C bit 12
26 LCD_VD5 LCD data bit 5 GPC13 GPIO port C bit 13
27 LCD_VD6 LCD data bit 6 GPC14 GPIO port C bit 14
28 LCD_VD7 LCD data bit 7 GPC15 GPIO port C bit 15
29 EINT11 External interrupt 11 nSS 1 SPI port 1 select
30 EINT15 External interrupt 15 SPICLK1 SPI port 1 Clock
31 EINT14 External interrupt 14 SPIMOSI1 SPI port 1 MOSI
32 EINT13 External interrupt 13 SPIMISO1 SPI port 1 MISO
33 AIN1 ADC input 1 (Note - these ADCs are independant, and do not support differential mode)
34 AIN0 ADC input 0
35 DP1 USB 1 Slave +
36 DN1 USB 1 Slave -
37 DP0 USB 0 Host +
38 DN0 USB 0 Host -
39 +3.3VDC Internal regulator output. Can supply 100mA(?) safely. Overloading this may cause irreparable damage.
40 +5V 5V input.

Hammer Carrier Board - the original carrier board for Hammer

Nail Kit - Great development system for Hammer to take where ever you go.

Hammer-RDP - the Robotics Development Platform

Hammer Project pages

Christmas Lights Controller Audio Mixer Project
